Business Liquidation
Farm & Ranch
Real Estate
Attorneys, Bankers, Farmers/Ranchers and Individuals seeking to achieve fast profitable results, consider the options and benefits of an age old time proven method-an auction. That's right, an auction!
Gardner's Auction Service is a complete Auction Service, offering professional marketing, consulting and promotion. Our team of skilled auctioneers, clerks, cashiers, and ringmen, comprehensive computer accounting & record keeping, providing timely and accurate payment of proceeds. It's all part of "the big picture" that makes Gardner's Auction the choice for you. Combine our experience, professionalism, honesty and reputation with your items to sell and you become the winner!
All questions are services are treated with confidentiality and according to your wishes.
Reasons to sell by auction
- Anything you own in real or personal property can be sold at auction.
- The auction method is quick and efficient means of converting your property, possessions, or inventory into cash.
- You decide when to sell.
- Competition among buyers for your property greatly increases at an auction.
- Compare for your benefit. The auction method can out perform any other marketing method for whatever you have to sell.
- Gardner's Auction will show you how an auction is the best means of achieving "fair market value" for anything in the marketplace, at a given time. The auction industry is a people oriented profession-to provide satisfying service to both buyer and seller.
- Auction are not distress sales, nor last resort action taken. An auction is simply another place to buy and sell what you're looking for. . . another marketing method to sell what you have at a fair market price!!
- We will assist you, or completely prepare your auction on site.
- We will inventory, pack , and transport items to be sold at our facility.
- We prepare effective, economical advertising for newspapers, trade journals, radio, brochures and of course our website.
- We provide computerized auctions with efficient clerk and cashier services.
- We perform prompt, reliable auctions with fast settlement.
- We are licensed and bonded.
- Consider our company as a fast, efficient and profitable means of turning your real and personal property into cash.
- Call for your consultation!